In compliance with the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) YSP Media (trading as Christopher Bevan Freelance Filmmaker) agrees to store personal information and media safely and appropriately.
The below privacy statement relates to clients and individuals featured within works produced by YSP Media. In general terms, YSP Media is contracted as a freelance producer to develop content through video. Final copyright and usage of data and visual images delivered for our clients rest with the client themselves, who should ensure that appropriate permissions and releases are gathered for individuals who are to be filmed on productions YSP Media is hired for.
For work produced with young people under the age of 18, YSP Media director Christopher Bevan holds an Enhanced DBS certificate which can be requested at any time. This is provided to clients and their affiliates on productions when requested at point of hire or prior to the commencement of filming.
Productions independently produced and commissioned by YSP Media and affiliates outside of third party hire work will be covered by our release forms and permissions generated by our team.
About Information Collected
YSP Media will only obtain personal information from:
Clients or prospective clients who contact us
Hired in freelance professionals
Professionals where contact information is provided by clients
Individuals where contact information is provided by clients
Contacts with the industry
Media and press
Participation contacts and client representatives
Why do we have your information or visual image and/or audio?
It is required to fulfil a hired-in contract
You have contacted us for work or service provision
We have recruited you or looked to recruit you for a freelance role
Your information has been provided to us by a client to arrange interviews, filming or other media related events.
To communicate scheduling, arrangements for a relevant production
You have applied for a role with us on a production
You have been involved with a film we have been hired to produce
You have consented to appear in a production after direct approach from a client representative, or from YSP Media directly.
YSP Media regularly films in school settings for client-commissioned work. We will only film young people under the age of 18 on these projects where we are notified by an educational organisation representative or client that permission has been given by a parent, carer or responsible adult.
How long do we hold the information?
Information and media is retained for as long as required for the contract as stipulated by our clients.
We do not receive or retain contact information for individuals we are asked to interview or film, unless there has been direct contact between the filmmaker and interviewee prior to production.
Your data will not be used in relation to work unrelated to the project you have been recruited or have volunteered for.
YSP Media produces a diverse slate of film content. We are contracted by clients to deliver film productions and work with the commissioners to produce content in fiction and non-fiction work.
For client-based work, distribution and release is determined by their representatives. YSP Media will seek appropriate usage of completed work where the client is utilising said work on their platforms.
For original work produced by YSP Media with no external client involvement, distribution and release is determined by our team. Release terms will refer to specific projects.
YSP Media will film at events for clients. General releases and appropriate, clear signing for these locations must be provided by the client when filming in a space with public gatherings.
Footage gathered by YSP Media will be used solely for the purpose of the commissioned film production, with usage determined by the end client.
YSP Media does not allow derivatives of work to be produced from our filmed footage. We will not supply raw, unedited footage to clients or individuals for usage outside of the original intended comissions.
Individual rights
You have the right to:
Decline consent to filming prior to production. This should be addressed to the client, business or organisation you have been asked to appear in a film by.
Have your footage removed from the final release if you have not agreed on usage with the client you were recruited by.
YSP Media will not use footage on their independent productions where appropriate consent has not been received.
Please contact us via our Contact Form if you have concerns.