Over the past five months we’ve worked closely with Derby Theatre and Year 7 Elmtree students at Bemrose School in Derby to deliver and co-create a film project for the Reimagine Festival. This has been such a rewarding experience and watching the creative development of the young participants over the time we have been working together has been a joy.
The creative direction of the Reimagine project resulted in a mixed-media project highlighting an A-Z of Derby which showcases the participants skills, interests and feelings about their place within the city. The intention behind the project was always to ensure participants were central to the creative process, authoring each of the mini-films which were created for the letters of the alphabet. Students had the opportunity to move between activities and each week we aimed to rotate the art forms undertaken to keep the students engaged and move towards our goal of an anthology of shorts linked by theme.
Working with artist Helen Jackson and Abi Canning, YSP Media filmmaker Christopher Bevan collaborated with Derby Theatre’s Kai Bools to run weekly creative sessions and workshops at the school. The school group, all of whom have SEND considerations, were invited to take part in art practices such as filmmaking, acting, painting, animation, stop-motion, mask creation, photography and more. The end result produced on the project is a true co-creation and feels like a tapestry of young people’s creative talent.
The film premiered as part of the Reimagine Festival at Derby QUAD on 23rd July as part of a showcase of films including projects created by Sinfonia Viva. Derby Theatre also arranged for a preview screening at Bemrose for participants on the project, which was warmly received by students and staff alike. The film also screened at the pop up venue The Tramshed as part of a projection showcase of short films and live performances by young participants from across the city.